
Boilermaker Rube Goldberg Team

Were you wondering about the Boilermaker Rube Goldberg Team? Well you've come to the right place! While Purdue has had multiple Rube Goldberg Teams, our team is proud to be the longest lasting and to have won the national competition many times throughout its existence, the most recent of which was just this last year. We've also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live back in 2014 and still hold the World Record for the longest Rube Goldberg machine set in 2012! If you want to learn more about us, stick around and Boiler up!

Our Machine!

The 2024-25 machine will have the theme of The Wild West. We have put a total of into our machine so far this year! To see more about the machine, check out our socials. Below is a plot of our hours on the machine over time.

Meet the Team

Click on one of us to meet the whole team


The 2022-2023 Team (shown above) was composed of a variety of talented and dedicated individuals who put in over three thousand hours to build an incredible machine.

In the spring of 1998, the PSPE Rube Goldberg Team was founded by a freshman engineer named Shawn Jordan with the idea of creating a Rube Goldberg team for Purdue University. With the backing of then president, Karen Davis, the first team began the first of many machines. With almost no budget, the first machines created by the team were mostly constructed from low cost materials such as cardboard, duct tape, and various give-a-away items from different events around campus. Due to the low durability of these materials, creating a reliable machine was a challenge, but due to their dedication and creativity, the early groups still designed and built many various machines to bring to competition. Since the club's founding, this same competition has taken many different forms, until it moved back to its home on Purdue's Campus in 2019 taking the official name of the Purdue National Chain Reaction Competition . In reflection of this move the team changed its name to match. A few years later in 2022, the team split off from PSPE and became its own self-funded student organization, the Boilermaker Rube Goldberg Team.


Interested in having our team talk to you and your group? We enjoy finding opportunities to do outreach with elementary schools, clubs, scout troops, or other organizations who want to learn more about the world of Rube Goldberg and what we do! We would love to talk to you and your friends about Rube Goldberg, our team, what we do, and anything STEM. Reach out to us using the email below!

Support Us!

Want to support us and help us build our next great contraption? Check out our Donate page and see how you or your business can help turn our ideas into reality. We couldn't do any of this without our donors' help!

Reach out to us

Have questions or interested in working with us? Check out our social media linked up top or contact us with the information below! We'd love to hear from you!